Mission to Bulgaria 2024

Yesterday, Today & Forever Church

This is the first mission since the Covid Lockdown of Pastor David and Helen Measures joined by a young evangelist Jakub. We do thank our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ of Yesterday, Today and Forever Church back in England who supported, blessed this mission, and kept us in prayer so the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and his miracles could touch the people of Bulgaria.

Day 1 – Saturday
We have landed to Sofia’s Airport on 7th September 2024 just after the noon where we have been met by our contact Pastor Tomy Karakolev. Pastor Tomy had been in work for weeks before our arrival organizing our Church services across the country, he would be our main guide across the country as well as our translator for each of the service.

Once we arrived in a hotel we have manage to have quick sit down with Pastor Tomy to discuss the plan for the week. Very promptly we have got ourselves ready for the first service in the centre of Sofia in a fast-growing church with only ten months of existence. The Yahweh Shammah church under leadership of Pastor Alexander welcomed us with a congregation of 500.

Service kicked-off at 6pm local time and gone through worship and praise and the initial word of God, then it was time for Pastor David. He had been limited only 40 minutes for speaking and prayer time, but Gods plan allowed for His full evangelical and healing ministry lasting for over an hour. During this time, we had seen 40 people giving their lives to Lord Jesus Chris and many people receiving their miracle. 15 people came front to testify of the miraculous healing on the spot. A particular miracle of Lord Jesus Christ stays on one’s mind when boy of 2-3 years who had been mute was healed and for the first time in his life he was able to look at his father, open his mouth and say ‘Ta-ta’ (Local for daddy). Praise God!

Mission to Bulgaria 2024

Day 2 – Sunday – Morning Service
Early start for all of us after finishing late the night before as we had to travel 112km northeast from Sofia to town of Lukovit where we preached in Pastor Slavi’s New Beginnings Church. From the first sit-down with Pastor Slavi, we could feel the presence of Holy Spirit and openness to the Full Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Pr. Slavi mentioned a particular lady suffering with massive headaches that were striking through her neck to her back who been prayed for many times but could not receive her miracle, due to unforgiveness.

We started our part of service with the greetings from YTF Church from England by lady Pastor Helen, followed by testimony by Jakub’s testimony and message by Pastor David. When it come healing and deliverance ministry people coming front were so many they had to create two rows stretching from one side of the church to the other. As soon as we started praying and laying hands on people you could feel the presence of Holy Spirit was on the move. People were giving their life to Jesus, receiving their miracles, being healed from their sicknesses, delivered from unforgiveness and all sorts.

Many had been healed with first one to testify was the lady who struggled to receive her healing due to unforgiveness, but Lord Jesus Christ had her hand upon her this time.

Matthew chapter 18 parable of unforgiving servant talks about God himself delivering us to the torturers according to our own heart if we fail to forgive one another with the same compassion he had shown to us through Lord Jesus Christ. So many may hold themselves back from receiving their miracle for this reason, but it was not the case on our service in the town of Lukovit.

Day 2 – Sunday – Evening Service
From Lukovit we headed back towards Sofia for our second service in Pastor Tomy’s church in Elin Pelin. Tomy’s church in Elin Pelin had been burned down couple years ago and it was nice to see that God had enabled the church to be restored to even greater state than it used to be thanks to the supporters in Christ from all around the world.

We had a great service in this established church of congregation of 50 with few newcomers giving their life to Christ, and few miracles been seen. Most notable was a gentleman with strong backpain which restricted him to move freely but when receiving prayers, he been set free from it, and he was able to bend over touching the floor. Once realized he start smiling and jumping on the stage with gladness.

Day 3 – Monday
Day Off.

Mission to Bulgaria 2024

Day 4 – Tuesday – Pr Severin Antonov’s church, Ihtiman
We have travelled 50 kilometers southeast of Sofia to the town of Ihtiman. Once arriving to the local church, we were welcomed by Pastor Severin who is the second-generation priest, following in ministry after his father footsteps. He debriefed us of the local situation and mentions that the street on which the church is located is very extra polar when it comes to religion. Despite all people living around being of Roma gypsy heritage the left-hand side of the street was inhabited by Muslim population while right hand side where the church is where Christian. And traditions of both sides of the faith were shared together alongside the Roma gypsy culture.

Well, we have started off the service with congregation of 300. Helen would bring forth a lovely word and greetings from our YTF church while Pastor David would share some of his miracle testimonies from around the world. Then it was time for the new evangelist on the mission, Jakub, to bring the word of God. People responded to the appeal to give their life to the Lord Jesus Christ and thirty new souls had been won for the Kingdom of God.

Many people being prayed over for healing and received their miracle, however once asked to come front and to glorify the name of God for what He had done for them the congregation became quiet and apart three or four ladies whose heart was filled with gratitude and gave their testimony. Couple more appeals being made with further word of God from Pastor David with few more people coming to share their testimonies. Mark 7:13 talks about one more thing that voids the Word of God which is traditions passed down onto us and we could see some of it in work on that day.

Mission to Bulgaria 2024

Day 5 – Wednesday – Church of God, Samakov.
Once again going down southeast of Sofia circa 60kilometers away lies the town of Samakov. We were welcomed by the Pastor Nikolai and taken for coffee for sit down before the service. Nevertheless, service starting in half an hour, the ministry had started in that very room as one lady and Pastor himself received a prayer for areas in their life that the Lord showed them.

Shortly, we moved to the Church with a great congregation of 1000 people to which we ministered and prayed for. We have seen around 50 people giving their lives to the Lord and around 800 of them renewing their wows to the Lord. This time many received their healings and testified to the miracles they received and as it seemed to be all coming to an end more people started approaching us for prayers. The multitude was so pressing on us that people who being prayed for and being under the works of Holy Spirit did not have a space to remain in their positions but rather being picked up by locals so others can come for the prayer.

A particular healing miracle comes to mind. Petr a boy in his late teenager years had come for prayer with such devotion that once we finished, he was still receiving not wanting to move his focus from Jesus. When Petr came to church he was supported by crutches, could barely walk wearing orthopedic shoes with extra set of supportive plasters for his ankles, all due to some issues with his nerves in the legs. Once he received the prayer Petr removed the shoes himself and started to walk all around the church without crutches and without support. Local Pastor mentioned that he never saw the boy walking for past two years since he joined the church, but today the Lord Jesus Christ had set him free from his condition.

Day 6 – Thursday – Stranger got saved
Nothing had been planned for this day, so we have decided to have a coffee and do some bible studies where we were staying. Now this place where we went was all empty with many tables across the place when out of nowhere a young man came wanting to sit next to us. Well, we did not have a problem just warned him that we do bible studies. The man replied: “That is okay, but he does not believe in anything”. – not for long.

After Pastor David giving him indirectly some hooks during our studies, he became interested and engaged in the conversation. Poor man, one might say, once he revealed his story of being rejected by his father from birth, having one of his children dying, churches refused him to enter unless he pays for entrance, the list was long all leading to three suicidal attempts. Our God does not work in coincidences but by his will and that day it was His will, so the young gentlemen gave his life to the Lord. We saw him once again in the morning and the change could be observed from person who was run down by life there was a new man filled with joyfulness and abundant life which we all have through Him.

Pastor David later said: “If only this man got saved throughout the mission in Bulgaria, it would be worth it!”

Mission to Bulgaria 2024

Day 7 – Friday – House of God church, Ihtiman
The last day of our stay in Bulgaria, we have travelled again to Ihtiman, this time a church within much poorer area, Roma gypsy heritage. Out of all, this area may be the least economically active than any other ones we have visited so far but one of the most open to the Word of God! The preacher for the night was Jakub.

The congregation of forty was filled mainly with ladies while few men showed up as well but no matter the gender we have seen the greatest numbers of testified miracles in proportion to the whole congregation.  After the Word of God had been ministered 30 people have given their life to the Lord. When it came to healing and setting people free from spiritual bondages this time Helen and Jakub anointed their hands with oil and went to pray over the congregation, laying hands on each one of them while Pastor David held the prayer from the pulpit.

As mentioned earlier, many of them received their miracles coming forth to testify. We had seen curses broken over people, true repentances, pains of all sorts, etc. leaving the affected ones all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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